Garda E-Vetting

by on the 15th of March 2020

While all on-field activities and meetings are postponed at the moment, there are some things that can be done from home. If you are considering getting involved with a club or a team this year, there are four things which need to be completed prior to your involvement.

1. All mentors, officers and committee members must be a member of a club.

2. E-Vetting must be completed.

3. A Safe-guarding course must be completed.

4. Every trainer or mentor must have at least a Foundation level coaching course completed.

While 3 and 4 can only be done in group settings, 1 and 2 can be done at this time as both can be done on-line.

How can I be registered On-line?

Contact your club registrar and give them all your relevant details, Name, Address, Mobile Number, Email address and date of birth if you are registering a player. Payment can be made directly into your clubs Paypal account.


Before you can apply for E-Vetting, there are two things you must do.

1. Get your Camogie id. number from your club registrar.

2. As proof of identity, take a photo of your driving license or passport plus a household bill showing your name and address. Send these photos to your club’s child officer. The contact details for both your club’s Registrar and Child Officer will be available from your club secretary. All contact details for club secretaries are on the ‘Clubs’ tab on this website.

To Apply for E-Vetting

Click HERE for the initial E-Vetting form. Complete the form. Tick Camogie for Association but it is recommended that you also tick the other boxes so that your information may be shared amongst the greater GAA Community.

This is just an initial form, you will then receive a bigger form looking for further information. It is not difficult to complete.


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