Information Night on Mental Health, Drugs & Gambling awareness

by on the 26th of October 2017

“Someone once told me, “I heard you finally got rid of your addiction” I smiled & said “no, it doesn’t work like that, once you have it you always have it, I just choose not to feed it”!
St Lactain’s GAA club are hosting an information night on Mental Health, Drugs & Gambling awareness on Friday 3rd November, 7.30pm in the Community Hall Freshford, among the guest speakers will be Nicole Ryan on Drugs Awareness, Barry Grant from Problem Gambling, Michael Norton on Mental Health & John Leahy on Alcohol & Addiction. The GAA is not only a sporting organisation but a community one also. Mental Health & Wellbeing describes your mental state & effects us all, we would encourage the community & other organisations to attend this event.

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