Senior Player Profile – Meighan Farrell

by on the 28th of July 2017

Age – 22

Club – Thomastown

Position – Midfield

Occupation – Student

Honours – 1 All Ireland with Kilkenny, 2 national leagues, 1 All Star, 2 county championships with Thomastown, 1 league championship, 1 Ashbourne cup, 1 Ashbourne All Star, 3 u21 county championships, 1 Minor All Ireland with Kilkenny (captain)

What age did you start playing Camogie? Probably 4 or 5 to get me out of the way

How many years are you on County Panel? About 4 including intermediate

Favourite Sportsman/Sportswoman? Katie Taylor, it’s always exciting to see a woman driving it on

How do you keep yourself motivated? Playing alongside my friends helps me to train hard and do it for them too

Who has been the biggest influence on your career? My family

Apart from camogie, what sports people do you look to for inspiration? I think Tommy Walsh was always one of my favourites because he wasn’t the biggest but always wanted the ball and would do anything to win it. Also Ronaldo, he always wants to be the best at what he does and gives a lot back to the people

What does it mean to wear the county jersey? Ah sher when you’re only a young girl playing at underage level, the dream is to be playing for your county, so of course it’s an honour to be representing Kilkenny every time I put on the jersey.

What is your first memory of going to a camogie match? I remember my mother was playing and I heard people refer to her as a ‘hatchet woman’ which frightened the life out of me, needless to say we were well behaved children after hearing that.

What is your favourite food? Probably steak and smoothies

What is your pet hate? Sunday drivers

Have you ever had a serious injury? Ah no just a few minor injuries with my ankle and hamstrings and things like that but nothing too serious thank god

Advice to young players? There’s no point in playing if you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, that’s the most important part of it.


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